Now that Honeywell Clarostat has decided to end the manufacturing of potentiometers, it puts a strain on availability of quality potentiometers.
The 2 Watt carbon control by Clarostat 53C1, 53C3, and Locking 53C2 are available with quality alternatives. 53C / Military version RV4NAYSD is still made by alternate manufacturers. 3/8 bushing with 1.2 inch slotted shaft.
Clarostat had purchased Allen Bradley (the industry leader) in the late 1990s. Allen Bradley Series was JAIN056S and the commercial equivalent to RV4NAYSDxxxx
followed by 3 digit ohmage code.
The letter to follow the the 3 digit code was the taper:
The 53C3 Series or the 380C3 (quiet version) Taper: S-Linear Taper, Z-Audio Taper, REV Z-Reverse Logarithmic.
RV4NAYSD is still being manufactured today (not by Clarostat). Similarly, if you were using the 53C1 Series or the 380C1 Series, these parts are still manufactured to the military spec.
RV4NAYSJ (same ohmage from 50 ohm through 5 Megohm) 3 digit ohmage code and taper code. These 2 Watt Carbon Controls have a 3/8 inch bushing and 1 5/8 inch shaft beyond the bushing. Allen Bradley JAIN200P mil version is RV4NAYSJ. can offer you other alternatives with even longer shafts. Contact the Sales Team at If you have been using the 2 Watt locking shaft carbon potentiometer Clarostat 53C2 or 380C2 series, you can still purchase equivalents meeting the military spec RV4LAYSA (same ohmage from 50 ohm through 5 Megohm) 3 digit code and taper code. 1/2 inch locking bushing 1/8 inch screwdriver adjustable shaft JLU, CLU, JAIL404S are equals to RV4LAYSA or 53C2.
Whether you need replacement parts or current production quantities, can assist you so that your production is not interrupted. Our parent company has been supplying
potentiometers to the electronics industry for over fifty years. stocks linear taper, audio taper, and even some rev log tapers. Our sales team averages over twenty years experience selling potentiometers.
The Clarostat series 392M 1/2 Watt had equivalents such as the Ohmite ASM, Allen Bradley WA2G056S or the military spec RV6NAYSD.
This series has 1/4 inch bushing with a 5/8 inch shaft. The locking series in Clarostat would be RV6LAYSA and 3 digit ohmage
When Clarostat acquired the Allen Bradley potentiometer business, they took over the WA2L040S series which is also available in mil RV6LAYSAxxxx stocks ohmages from 50 ohm through 5 Megohm, linear, logarithmic (audio), and rev log tapers.
Whether you need help in selecting a potentiometer, or you need a reliable, continuous source, is your answer. With over 80,000 square feet of inventory, we probably have your answer on our shelf.